5 ways to add emotion to your brand

Emotion is what drives our decision making, even if we don’t know it. Learn about the psychology behind emotional branding and why it has the power to transform your brand.

Your brand story – what is it + simple formula to follow

Story of your brand is not only how and why you started your business. Actually, that is not it! You’re NOT the hero of your brand story – your customer is. Learn how to use it to your advantage and connect with your customers to make your brand irresistible to them.

Brand photography backed by psychology

Brand Photography can tell your brand story and express your brand personality better than copywriting or anything else. Learn how to strategically use it to build brand perception and connect with your customers to make your brand irresistible.

5 stages your customers go through before they are ready to buy

Selling psychology is really important. There are 5 steps every customer need to go through to become ready to buy. We’ll talk all about awareness, interest, consideration, conversion and loyal customer. Build connection with your customer during sales process and make it feel natural and comfortable for them and you.

Hey, I'm Alex!

Brand Coach & Stylist for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create powerful and influential brands.

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Psst! Wanna know the secret formula to uncover your brand personality?

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