
Is Sage your brand's *irresistible* personality?

Sage Brand Archetype is smart.

“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.”

Kofi Annan.

Wise, educated and always searching for the truth.

The Sage spend their whole time searching for the truth, learning and digging deep into the things they care about. For them it’s not only about education, but it’s also about wisdom. Understanding the world and its many secrets.

If your brand is the Sage, you derive meaning from understanding the world around you, gather wisdom and helping others make educated decisions.


You love reading books, learning about new concepts and spend your time watching documentaries. Your main goal in life and/or business is to become more knowledgable, so you can help your clients and customers make better-informed decisions. You believe in your heart that knowledge is key to freedom and success.

The Summary

Motto: Knowledge is the path to freedom.

Basic desire: To discover the truth, to understand the universe.

Goal & objective: To help others make more educated decisions.

Fear: To give bad/incorrect information.

Strategy: Be skeptical, educate yourself. Search for the truth, analyze all angles.

Weakness:  Overthinking, overanalyzing, lack of action.

Talent: Intelligence, curiosity, natural drive to become better and wiser.

The call: Feeling confused, overwhelmed, lack of information. Desperately needing to get clarity and understanding.

Your customers need: Intelligent information they can rely on delivered in a way they can understand and act upon.


Your ideal customer

Your ideal audience is constantly trying to better themselves and deepen their knowledge and they will be drawn to ads that challenge their way of thinking. They value independent thinking and pride themselves in having their own opinions which often, they arrived to after years of expanding their knowledge and searching for information.


Connect with your audience

Sage loves challenging discussions and appreciate brands that help them get closer to their desires: to be wiser, more educated, smarter and better than they’ve been before.

They don’t appreciate high-pressure marketing tactics. Instead, it’s better to give them all the information they need to make a decision and show them you trust their intelligence and respect them.


What your brand experience should be?

Focus on providing a reliable source of information and remember to walk your walk: always challenge your way of thinking and doing things, always learn and strive to be better than you’ve been before.


Brands and people within the Sage archetype


Google, CNN, TEDx, Harvard, Phillips, Trip Advisor


Yoda, Morfeus (Matrix), Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Oprah Winfrey




Does this describe your brand?


  1. Tanya

    Hi, thanks for this, it’s interesting and helpful.
    I was struggling a bit with choosing only two answers from the quiz, because I often sound that three answers fit me best which were a blend.

    • Alex

      I can totally understand it, Tanya! It’s quite difficult to find a point of focus for our brands but it’s absolutely crucial to be quite brutal with yourself and really dig deep to choose one answer and therefore create a brand that is not diluted and all over the place. Hope it was helpful!

  2. Ana Galic

    O yes, perfectly. Thank you!

    • Alex

      Great to hear it, Ana!

  3. Brenda Nicholson

    Yes exactly! And when you added my hero, Albert Einstein, I knew it was right!

    • Alex

      I’m glad to hear it Brenda!

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Brand archetype quiz

Join thousands who discovered their Brand Archetype and were *shocked* by their results.

other archetypes

Innocent Brand Archetype

Innocent Brand Archetype

Idealists and dreamers always looking for ways to be happy and spread happiness. They are seeking simplicity, honesty and being able to be themselves.



Sensual, passionate and vulnerable.The Lover wants a true connection not only with their lover but their family and friends.



The Hero is disciplined, driven, very competitive. Strong both physically and mentally, they do not shy away from challenges that lay ahead.

Girl Next Door

Girl Next Door

If your brand strives to belong, being a part of the community and create a connection with others like Jenna Kutcher, GAP or IKEA this is your archetype.



Deeply loving and compassionate. Often forget about themselves, feeling neglected and out of their power. They are very inclusive, approachable, protective.



They’re called to stop to the chaos around them, take control of their lives. As a Leader brand, you help people use their authority to influence change.



Restless, always searching, exploring, trying to find themselves. Whether they are searching for themselves or experiences, they are always on the run.

Joker (Jester) Brand Archetype

Joker (Jester) Brand Archetype

Hedonist, careless, cheerful, unpredictable. The Joker is all about playing around, disrupting the order, making fun and not taking things too seriously.



The Rebel is all about destroying what’s not working and doing things their own way, often shocking others in the process.

Magician Brand Archetype

Magician Brand Archetype

The Magician is all about change, transformation, and metamorphosis. They find ways to create something that is truly magical, leaving you mesmerized.

Creator Brand Archetype

Creator Brand Archetype

The Creator is all about expressing themselves and bringing their vision to reality. They love creating something that did not exist before and get great satisfaction from both the process as well as the outcome. They want to leave a legacy, create something of lasting value.

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